
Scopri i nostri punti strategici a Bari, dove puoi depositare i tuoi bagagli in tutta sicurezza mentre esplori la città senza pensieri. Viaggia leggero e goditi ogni momento!


Via Giuseppe Capruzzi 256-B, Bari, Italia

Orari di apertura

  • Lun-Ver 8:00/21:00

  • Sab-Dom 8:00/20:00

MÁS Ubicaciones Disponibles

Explora Italia mientras tus valijas están seguras con nosotros.

a narrow street with flags hanging from the buildings
a narrow street with flags hanging from the buildings
a crowd of people standing in front of a building
a crowd of people standing in front of a building
A large white building with a clock on top of it
A large white building with a clock on top of it
people standing inside building
people standing inside building

Bari, Italia

Roma, Italia

Milán, Italia

Sicilia, Italia